Ever wonder how a dumpster service determines a roll off container’s rental price? Like any other business, a dumpster company must earn a profit in order to stay in business. So, the company needs to subtract the waste management expenses from the collected rental fees to determine the company’s profit.
Dumpster Rental Company Expenses
Here are some of the major expenses that dumpster rental companies must pay in order to stay in business:
- Landfill and Transfer Station Expenses
- Recycling Center Fees
- Special Disposal Fees – For some types of customer waste
- Operating Costs – For roll-off trucks, dumpster care and upkeep, new waste containers, fuel and energy costs, and administrative fees
Components of Dumpster Rental Pricing
There are three major components to determining the final roll off dumpster rental price.
- Dumpster Rate– This part of the dumpster rental price is put toward all of the dump and transfer fees for the waste. Dump fees represent the majority of the cost associated with a dumpster rental.
- Haul Rate– The haul rate is typically how the dumpster rental company pays for its operating expenses and generates profit.
- Overage Fees– These are fees that are separate from the other components of the dumpster rental price. These fees are the additional fee for customers who have overloaded their dumpsters beyond the fill or tonnage limit. Most of any overage fee ends up paying for the additional dump fees generated by the excess waste. These fees are often prorated at the company’s dumpster rate.
The dumpster rental company may occasionally make additional revenue by spreading the allotted tonnage limit multiplied by the dump rate against the actual dump fees paid.
Looking for High-Quality Roll Off Dumpster Rentals at a Price You Can Afford?
Circle J Roll-Offs Inc. is a full-service company that can provide for all of your waste management needs. We believe that you should be free to worry about your business and let us worry about your trash! Let Circle J Roll Get started by giving us a call at (215) 661-0001 or fill out our online form today.